Improving quality and access to mother and child healthcare in Western Province, Zambia II
Grant: Improving quality and access to mother and child healthcare in western province Zambia II
Implementation period: 2015-2017
Implementing partner: Caritas Czech Republic
Financial resources provided by CZDA in 2015: 4 000 000 CZK
Financial resources provided by CZDA in 2016: 4 000 000 CZK
Financial resources provided by CZDA in 2017: 6 000 000 CZK
14/2015/01, 14/2016/01, 14/2017/01
13 867 164 CZK
2015 - 2017
The project aims at building the professional capacities of health staff through the long-term assistance of a Czech obstetrician and short-term visits by teams of specialists. The capacities of the Lewanika School of Midwifery are further strengthened through cooperation with the Institute of Health Care Studies of the Tomas Bata University in Zlin. The project emphasises the importance of awareness raising on mother and child healthcare in communities through the support of Safe Motherhood Action Groups (SMAGs) active in Mongu, Limulunga and Nkeyema districts. Apart from trainings for SMAGs new volunteers are recruited, community based systems, such as savings and food banks are supported and fundraising activities are initiated. As a part of the awareness raising activities, thematic radio programmes are aired and dedicated youth clubs are being established in selected schools.