Výzva k přihlášování do tendru UNDP s názvem „Přenos dobré praxe ČR: Posilování kapacit moldavských aktérů k posílení ochrany osob nakažených virem HIV“
UNDP Bratislava Regional Center is inviting you to participate in the tender for "2011/36/RFP - Transfer of the Best Czech Experiences: Strengthening the Capacity of Moldovan Stakeholders for Ensuring Confidentiality and Privacy for People Living or Affected by HIV". In case of your interest to apply for the tender please refer to the documents on our website:http://europeandcis.undp.org/home/tenders/471 where you can find Request for Proposals (ref. 2011/36) comprising all documents necessary for the proposal preparation. Deadline for submission of the proposal is 23 January 2012, 14:00 Central European Time.